Friday, December 3, 2010



Elizabeth, loftus. “Mind At Play”. New York: Vincent Torre, 1983.

sex, brains, and video games.

BureK, Jennifer. “Sex, Brains, and video games”. Chicago: American library assoclation, 2008.

Kinder, marsha.”Play with Power” California: Oxford, 1991

Video games addiction:”How it works”. Homepage.22 nov 2010

The future of children.” benefits on playing video games”. 19 nov 2010

Healthmad. “ 10 benefits of video games” 19 nov 2010

Gamrfeed.”Activision-Blizzend profits”. 24 nov. 2010.

violence policy center. “Dangerous video games” 20 nov 2010.

Monday, November 15, 2010

video games eassy

What do you think; which genre of Video Games can change people behavior?
The video games sector is the fastest growing entertainment industry. In these days the industry enjoys great financial success, with international sales of thirty one billion dollar, and in the United States, the reset sales figure of between seven and ten billion a year. All these numbers are very huge that nobody can imagine it. Video games can make the players do the right decisions or improve their thoughts or the way they thinking. However, there are a lot of genres of video games such as sports, cards, family games, war like shooting games. All these kinds of games are usually young people play them which it is good for their knowledge. It’s one of the good things as a benefit in playing video games is health oriented. There are a lot of games designed to educate kids about their health and behavior.  But, when we go deeply into one of these genres; which they are the most likely in these days. The war games and especially shooting games; witch is the most people who play this type of games can get addictive. So what do you think; which of these types of video games can change people behavior? And which one has good benefits?

Is it fun to play video games? Sure it is, but not always .It could be wasting time. Gaming becomes an addiction when it starts to interfere with a person's relationships or their pursuit of other goals, such as good grades or being a part member of a sports team. Video games that do something to make a player feel good will played again and again. You can't control them, even they can't control themselves, and that’s how they become addictive. Like what did happen for a young lady in the airport, she was waiting her flight. She decided to play a quick game of Pac-man. Before she knew it, she was hooked; Pac-man took her for every last quarter she had. She was like not yet having the feeling of the game, so she tried again. She did a little better this time. Once the person plays game he or she thinks that he or she could win. So if someone is able to break the habit before it breaks him or her. So she couldn't stop. And she missed her fight because of Pac-man game. Pac-man is one of the games that hook people, and it’s very old game and simple. What about the games in these days with a good graphics they would attract people to play them all the time. How violent video games make people aggressive or changed their behavior? There are a lot of video games that have violence in it and it’s not good for children as provoking player reflect. Player spent their time playing computer games with wasted energy and violence behavior. I took some facts from my own experience, the more you play aggressive video games the more you get addicted, how? For example; when I was addicted on violent video games, at school, I was always thinking about the games wandering how I will go to the next level of the game. Sometimes I memorize all of the guns and even their names .When I go out with my friends, I always look at the buildings guessing if there is a sniper. So these are very serious behaviors that I got rid of it. I didn't post the next three paragraphs, because I had a problem with my laptop. I think in the end of this day will get fixed thank you Ahmed

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

outline with more details

Title: Video games: Benefits and Danger.

witch genre of Video Games can change people behavior?
B: the benefits of video games?
C:  violent video games can make people addictive and aggressive.

A: facts:
I will show the some facts from ‘’mind at play’’ book there is a good things in page 6
1. Best industry, entertainment:
The video games sector is the fastest growing entertainment industry
Profits: with international sales of 31 billion dollar in 2006. In the United States, the reset sales figure of between 7 and 10 billion a year.

B: benefits:

Games help children education: benefit about playing video games is heath-oriented gaming. There are a lot of games designed to educate young people about their health and behavior.

2. Have fun and not wasting time: I will start with wasting time, I will show some examples and stories.
3. Improve social skills:

C: dangers
1.get addictive:
video games that do something to make a player feel good will played again and again. You can't control them, even they can't control themselves , and that’s how they become addictive
2. Bad behavior: If there is a violent in the game,
it would be large proportion of problems on people that affect their behavior or the way the act
3. Isolated from others.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Video games\Outline

Title: Video games: Benefits and Danger.

witch genre of Video Games can change people behavior?
B: the benefits of video games?
C:  violent video games can make people addictive and aggressive.

A: facts
1. Best industry, entertainment.

B: benefits
Games help children education.
2. Have fun and not wasting time.
3. Improve social skills.

C: dangers
1.get addictive.
2. Bad behavior.
3. Isolated from others.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Summary of three sources form the book


 I decided to change the book that I took for the library, because from what I read, it shows me one thing about the topic. In the book they focus just in the profits of the movies and some for video games that no one played them anymore. So I will go back to this book ''Mind At Play’’, because I found a lot of sources about video games.

  In this book there a lot stories about the people who play video games.

Is it fun to play video games? Sure it is, but not always .It could be wasting time like what did happen for a young lady in the airport, she was waiting her flight. She decided to play a quick game of Pac-man. Before she knew it, she was hooked; Pac-man took her for every last quarter she had. She was like not yet having the feeling of the game, so she tried again. She did a little better this time. Once the person plays game he or she thinks that he or she could win. So if someone is able to break the habit before it breaks him or her. So she couldn't stop. And she missed her fight because of Pac-man game.
Pac-man is one of the games that hook people, and it’s very old game and simple. What about the games in these days with a good graphics they would attract people to play them all the time.
  Here are some difference or to show the different between wasting time and having fun on playing video games. Here is an example how video games wasting the time, it very simple; video games that do something to make a player feel good will played again and again. You can't control them, even they can't control themselves , and that’s how they become addictive. The author Likened Pac-man game to all of the gamed and he said ''Pac-man hooks only those people who confuse victory with slow defeat ''

Wednesday, November 3, 2010



 Do you think, witch genre of Video Games can change people behavior?
The video games sector is the fastest growing entertainment industry. In these days the industry enjoys great financial success, with international sales of thirty one billion dollar, and in the United States, the reset sales figure of between seven and ten billion a year .All these numbers are huge and nobody and imagine it. Video games can make people addictive. There are many genres of video games such as sport, family; which it’s for kids and it’s one of the good things as a benefit about playing video games is heath-oriented gaming. There are a lot of games designed to educate young people about their health and behavior, and the third one is the action; which it include wars, and this is what I will focus on. Because violate games have the most side-effects in the world. And its serous thing that can make the person very aggressive in the way he or she behaves. So this is the beginning of the problems.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rewrite the thesis statement and outline

                    Rewrite the thesis statement

Thesis statement for my project: Video Games, Benefit
and Dangers.
     I will talk about games in general, because everybody know what is video games. But most of them might not know who its control people to let them addictive. Some people play games that don’t have violent which it is fine, even he or he got addictive on them; it’s still something good, there are a lot of good games especially for kids such as educational games.
     As I said games that don’t have violent are good, but if they do; it would be large proportion of problems on people that affect their behavior or the way the act.And this is my main point of my presentation. So I showed two things about the project benefits and dangers.
The thesis will be changeable .

Monday, November 1, 2010

Thesis statement for my project: Video Games, Benefit and Dangers.

Thesis statement for my project: Video Games, Benefit and Dangers.

After I took a long time to find some information from books and online resource .I decided talk about how; can Video games make the people aggressive and what are the side-effects. And what is the advantage or the benefits of playing video game, is it helpful or useless or could be wasting time.
And Can video games help reduce stress and ange

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Summary of the book :sex, brains and video games

Summary of the book: sex, brains and video games

   in these days the industry enjoys great financial success, with international sales of 31 billion dollar in 2006. In the United States, the reset sales figure of between 7 and 10 billion a year .It has been noted too.
  Are video games addicted for people? it is depends on the person who plays .

   In fact, detractors who argue that teens lose control of their playing behavior and perform less successful in school than their nonplaying peers are making claims not supported by most empirical research.

  And some of them says that games can serve good ends and cite evidence that video games support learning. Because children in this age have a growing interest in exploring things that are good to spend their time

   Video Games violence:

There are a lot of video games that have violence in it and it’s not good for children as provoking player reflect . Player spent their time playing computer games with wasted energy and violence behavior.

      The Virtues of video games :
   One of the good things as a benefit about playing video games is heath-oriented gaming : there are a lot of games designed to educate young people about their health and behavior .

   What the good games prove:

# A fun and social form of entertainment.
# Teamwork, and cooperation when player play with each other.
#increased comfort with technology.
#improved self-confidence and self-esteem.
#Increases in reading and listening, math and problem-solving skills.


Video games : introduction

The video games sector is the fastest growing entertainment industry. So is it good or bad? 
It is depend on the person who play it, does he spend more time playing, instead of doing homework. Does he play games which it has violence and he is not allowed to play it.
Every things has side effect .There are a lot of people who addictive in video games, they cant stop thinking about it, and they won't have an open mind 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Video games


      My assignment is; to come up with a subject for my final presentation .In the first time I came to EELI program I started in level two. the students told me ‘’there is a presentation for level five students, I was interested to go there .l always take notes  and ask some questions , because I know one day I will do one like them .
     I came up with three interesting topics. I chose the best one that no one talked about it before. It is about video games ,it very good topic . Because it shows in these days how the games are getting better. And I will show different things such as the benefits or dangers. And I will give examples, and I will show my own Experian and give some advice and facts.

I think video games is a good idea to talk about , so that’s why I chose it